PLU Home Page|
Computer Science Dept.
James Brink
Professor emeritus
Dept. of Computer Science and Computer Engineering
Babbage's Difference Engine (circa 1832)
- Danielle's stained glass web pages.
- My Pens, Bowls, and Wood Turnings.
- 3 Sided Bowl Geometric Analysis.
- Tour of the Holy Land - Egypt, Jordan, and Israel.
- Our 2018 trip to Delhi.
- Some of my pictures
- A preprocessor for hand
coded HTML websites which can add files, make substitutions and add menus.
- ColorMixer: Gives color numbers for colors mixed/selected by user.
Web pages,
Processing and Processing.js
- Some common CSS
- *Updated* Links to some useful HTML and
CSS resources. Many links including some suggestions for kids.
- Fun math games: The games can
be used by kids with a wide range ages and abilities. It includes things like counting, shape recognition, simple arithmetic,
story problems, squares and square roots, fractions, and decimals.
- SomePages/PathEditor.html.
Uses Javascript to simplify editing Windows path variables.
- Some of my Java applications and applets.
- Some Processing and Processing.js code.
- Some p5.js files.
- MultiEd32: A programmer's text editor.
homepage. ** New Version 2.51 (first posted 10/5/11) **.
- KISA and
KISVid Tutorials showing
how the HTML 5 audio and video tags and APIs can be used in Processing.js.
- Computer Science at PLU.
- IEEE Computer Society.
- ACM (Association of Computer Machinery).
- Computer Architecture and VAX Assembly Language Programming.
Maintained By: James Brink (
Contact Info:
It is best to contact me by e-mail.
Last Update:
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