Fun Math Games

Lets have Fun with Math

  1. Click the game and then type your name and press "Enter" (or click "OK").
  2. If you want a different unit, click its button. Click the game you want to play.
  3. Type the answer to the problem and press "Enter" or click "OK".
  4. Press "Enter" or click "Next" to go to the next problem.

If you make a mistake while typing an answer, you can use the backspace key to correct it.


If the level is 10 or less, many games supply a visual hint. For example, in the add game 3 + 6 will show 3 objects in one row and 6 objects to help you determine the answer is 9. In the normal Subtraction game, minuend (the number being subtracted from) objects are drawn but subtrahend (the number being subtracted) are crossed out. The result is the number of objects that are not crossed out. In multiplication of 2 x 3, there will be 2 columns each with 3 objects. It is easy to see the result is 6. For division of 4 into 20, you will see 20 objects organized into 4 rows. This helps illustrate the result is 5.

In advanced subtract where the answer may be negative, there may be more "cross outs" than objects. In that case, the answer is negative and equal to the number of extra cross outs.

To illustrate 6/9 in the Reduce game when the level is 10 or less, a circle is drawn divided into 9 parts. 6 of those parts are shaded. After answering, a new smaller circle is drawn divided into 3 parts, 2 of which are shaded to illustrate the answer is 2/3. To illustrate 1/4 + 2/4, a circle is divided into 4 parts, 1 of which is shaded one color, 2 are shaded another color. This make it easy to see the answer is 3/4.

Attempts are made to illustrate some (but not all) of the other games.

The beginning games include: "Counting", "Geometry", "Addition", "Subtraction", "Multiplication", "Division" and "Random". (These will be discussed latter.) You can select from four alternate units: "Story", "Advanced", "Fraction", or "Decimal". "Story" games present problems in words but otherwise are about the same difficulty as those in beginning menu. "Advanced" games has its own menu of games that are a little more advanced. "Fraction" provides a menu of games using fractions. "Decimal" allows you to work with decimals and money.

After selecting a game, some additional buttons are available. In addition to the "OK" or "Next" buttons (which are equivalent to pressing the "Enter" key), "New Name" allows changing players. "New Level" allows you to change the skill level. The "Score", "Happy face" and "Picture" buttons let you select what you would like to have show your progress. The happy face smile gets larger as you get more questions correct in any particular game. The picture is gradually shown more clearly as you get more questions correct in a game. The score however is accumulative as long as you play. You get more points for more difficult problems and for higher levels. You will get 10 extra points every time you answer a "Random" problem correctly.

It is often useful to use paper and a pencil when playing some of the advanced, fraction, or decimal games or when the level is higher.


In general, the "level" is the largest number that can be used in a problem. For example, if the level is 10 while playing the "Add" game, then the largest values added will be 10. Of course, the result may be greater than 10. For division with level 10, the largest divisor and largest quotient would 10. However, the number being divided into (the dividend) can be larger.

The level is increased if the player scores are 90% or better in one complete game and reduced if the player scores less than 70%.

Many games provide visual hints for levels of 10 or less.

Several games restrict the level to a value that keeps the problems reasonable.

The Games

The Beginner Games

Count: You are asked to count a random number of objects. The number of objects is limited by the level.

Geometry: You are asked to count the sides of a random shape having 3 to 10 sides. You will be asked to identify these shapes in the Advanced Geometry game.

Add: Add two random, positive integers each limited by the level.

Subtract: From a random integer limited by the level subtract an integer randomly selected so the result is at least 0.

Multiply: Multiply two random integers each limited by the level.

Divide: Divide a randomly selected divisor limited by the level into a dividend chosen so the quotient will be a random integer (without a remainder).

Random: The problems are selected randomly from the other six game types.

Beginning games award 10 to 15 points for a correct answer in addition to level points. 10 extra points are awarded if you are playing a random game.

Story Games

These games give beginning level problems in word context. The problems are selected randomly. This makes them a little more difficult so you are given 20 to 23 points in addition to level points for each correct answer. There are "Add", "Subtract", Multiply and Division problems. Random randomly selects the type of problem.

Advanced Games

Geometry: You will be asked to identify a randomly selected shape. These are multiple choice answers with 4 possible answers of which one is correct. The possible shapes are: equilateral, isosceles, and right triangles as well a another triangle, square, rhombus, parallelogram, trapezoid, pentagon, hexagon, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon (7 sides), octagon, and 10 sided star. (Note: these are the same shapes used in the Beginning "Geometry" game.) In addition, the shape might be a circle or oval. Note: if a shape can be identified as a special shape as well as a more general shape, the special shape name is required. For example, if the shape is a right triangle, "triangle" would be considered incorrect. "Right triangle" is the only accepted answer.

Subtract: From a random integer limited by the level subtract another integer randomly selected also limited by the level. The result may be negative.

Square: You are asked to specify the square of a random integer limited by the level.

Square root: You are asked to type the square root of the specified number chosen so the square root is a random integer limited by the level.

Divide: This is similar to the beginner division game except there may be a remainder. Answers with a remainder are written with an "R" or "r" to specify the remainder. For example, the answer to 24 divided by 10 can be written 2 R 4 (or 2r4). The result of 20 divided by 10 can be typed as just plain 2 or 2R0, as desired.

Advanced problems award 30 to 34 points in addition to the level for each correct answer.

Fraction Games

These problems are for players who have some understanding of fractions. Because they are more difficult, they give 40 to 46 points for each correct answer in addition to the level.

Reduce: You are given a random fraction where both the numerator and the denominator are random integers limited by the level. You are asked to reduce the fraction (if possible). For example, if the fraction is 6/4, you should type 3/2 or 1 1/2. 10/5 should be written 2 (or possibly 2/1).

Add: Similar to the beginner add except you will be working with random fractions. The values are chosen and answers typed like in the Reduce game. Both fractions will have the same denominator. For example: 5/4 + 1/4 = 3/2 or 1 1/2. (Note: the result must be reduced. In the example, 6/4 would be considered incorrect.)

Subtract: The problem is similar to regular subtraction. The result is at least 0 and written by the same rules as other Fraction games.

Multiply: The fractions are chosen and the result written as in the other Fraction games.

Divide: The fractions are chosen and the result written as in the other Fraction games.

Increase: This is the same as Add but fractions typically have different random denominators.

Story: Story problems relating to fractions. Level has a dual use. As usual it limits the size of numbers used in the fractions. In addition, it controls the type of problems that are presented.

LevelOperations allowed
4-7Addition, subtraction
8-11 Addition, subtraction, multiplication
12- Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division

Random: Problems are chosen from the first 7 fraction games.

Beginning games award 40 to 46 points for a correct answer in addition to level points. 10 extra points are awarded if you are playing a random game.

Decimal Games

These problems are for players who understand decimal numbers. This includes working with money. Because they are more difficult, they give 50 to 56 points plus the level for each correct answer.

Fraction: Players are asked to convert a fraction into a decimal number. The results can always be written in 1, 2, or 3 decimal places. The fractions are illustrated when the level is 40 or less.

Add: Adds two decimal numbers with 1 decimal place. The numbers are limited by the level divided by 10.

Subtract: Subtracts two decimal numbers with 1 decimal place. The numbers are limited by the level divided by 10 and the result is nonnegative.

Multiply: Multiplies two decimal numbers with 1 decimal place. Again the numbers are limited by the level divided by 10.

Divide: Divides a decimal numbers with 1 decimal place into a number with 2 decimal places. The result will have at most 1 decimal place.

Money: This allows players to find the value of two coins (or possibly paper $1, $5, or $10 bills when the level is greater than 10). When the level is 10 or less, the coins are illustrated.

Story: This game provides story problems involving decimals including a number of problems involving calculations with money. As with fraction story games, the level not only acts as a limit on the size of the numbers but also on the skills needed to solve the problems. The table in the fraction story problem section applies here as well.

Random: Problems are selected randomly from the other seven categories. 10 extra points are awarded for each correct answer if you are playing a random game.


To allow the "teacher" to know how well a student is doing, the teacher can type the hidden option "TEACHER" (case insensitive) into the prompt box any time it appears except when the game is asking for a player name. Only complete games are listed. Only games in the current session can be shown. For each game, the name of the player, the name of the game, the level, and percent correct are listed.

Unfortunately, because of the language the app is written in and security issues, it is impossible to write the information to a file on the player's computer.


Acknowledgement: The suggestions of Julie Bolt are greatly appreciated

Credits: Some of the sounds are from or

Text revised 9/30/15