May 2018 | June 2018 | July 2018 | August 2018 |
September 2018 | October 2018 | November 2018 | December 2018 |
January 2019 | February 2019 | March 2019 | April - May 2019 |
Danielle spends quite a bit of time working on her gardens. These pictures show many of the resulting blossoms as they appeared through out a 12 month, 365 day period. So the blossoms included appeared between May 17, 2018 and May, 16, 2019
Lilies. Some other lily pictures: Click, and Click |
Another lily. |
Another mandevilla, October mandevilla another mandivilla a November mandevilla and an April mandevilla. |
More lantana: Click, Click, Click, Click, Click or Click |
Lupen |
This is a bromeliad, an indoor plant which provide an exotic touch to the home and bring a sense of the tropics and sun-kissed climates. |
Lantana |
A different color lantana. |
And more lantana
More lantana: Click, Click, Click, Click, Click or Click |
We are not sure what this is except it is pretty. |
Verbena |
Knockout rose
More roses: Click , Click, or Click |
Knockout rose |
Petunia |
Another geranium: Click, or Click |
Gardenia |
Hibiscus (Rose of Sharon)
A pink Rose of Sharon Another pink Rose of Sharon Yet another pink Rose of Sharon 2019 pink Rose of Sharon A hibiscus that isn't a Rose of Sharon |
Notice the bee in the hibiscus flower. |
Blueberries that are not quite ripe yet. Blueberry blossoms: Click Blueberry fruit Click |
Scroll down to see some more 2018 glads. More glads: Click |
Even Dickens was interested in this vase. |
Hibiscus (Rose of Sharon)
A white Rose of Sharon Another pink Rose of Sharon Yet another pink Rose of Sharon 2019 pink Rose of Sharon |
Danielle brought this hanging basket. The blooms really open up in the bright sun. Unfortunately, we don't know what kind of flowers they are. |
Bees love these flowers in this basket. One of them is checking out this bloom on the left. But bees are not the only insects that like these flowers. Is that a moth or an ugly butterfly on the bloom shown above? |
A canna lily. |
Danielle is pointing out another canna lily.
These were even prettier in October. |
These are some of the first blossoms on our crepe myrtle tree. (The tree in bloom) |
(Above) This was the first stargazer lily bloom of the year. It measured slightly over 7 inches across. You can see drops of water from the rain during the night. (Right) Just a day later, there was second bloom. (Actually there was a third but rain had knocked it over.) |
In these two pictures, we move from large stargazer flowers to delicate white flowers which measure just a little more than an inch across. As can be seen, the flowers grow very close to the ground. We don't know what this wild flower is. |
This is another hibiscus (Rose of Sharon) blossom on the same bush as the previous one. One can see the big black
bees really like it. Just before this picture was taken, there was another bee on the left blossom.
Another Hibiscus (Rose of Sharon) but a different color.
A white Rose of Sharon Another pink Rose of Sharon Yet another pink Rose of Sharon 2019 pink Rose of Sharon |
Two blossoms on different kind of Hibiscus. Right: Unfortunately the stems are very slim so Danielle had to hold the flower up for the picture. White Rose of Sharon Hibiscus Pink Rose of Sharon Hibiscus Two hibiscus in bloom and an October bloom. Two colors |
Our crepe myrtle tree has blossomed out. These trees are very common in this area and come in additional including white and rose. (See close up.) |
The first angel trumpet bloom appeared on July 2. |
The angel trumpet bloom a day latter. This view shows how long it is. |
We don't what this is called. |
Not this one either.
Another view |
This solitary cactus bloom forgot that it was supposed to bloom several months ago.
Unfortunately the yellow is quite uniform and one doesn't really see the individual petals
of the flower very well.
More cactus blooms |
This may just be a weed but the bloom is pretty enough we decided not to cut it. Unfortunately there were only a few blooms when the picture was taken. |
This one is called bee balm. |
Danielle is training a honeysuckle to grow over an arbor in our back yard.
Another honeysuckle |
Another mandevilla, October mandevilla another mandevilla a November mandevilla and an April mandevilla. . |
Some other lily pictures: Click, and Click |
Some butterflies loved the yellow lantana.
More lantana: Click, Click, Click, Click, Click or Click |
The morning glory on the left was partially hidden in plant on bottom left. The single
blossom on the top right was on a different plant. A few day later, there were several
blossoms as show on the bottom right.
More morning glories and some more |
Magnolia. A couple of bugs like these blossoms as seen above. The yellow stuff on the bottom of the blossom is just stamen that has fallen. |
We don't know the name of this delicate, little white flower which is about 3/8 of inch wide even though it planted in one of the gardens. |
Some of these zenias have been blooming for awhile but we overlooked taking pictures of them. They come in multiple colors. |
This poke flower is unusual because it blooms look like seed pods. |
These hibiscus flowers measured 6 inches across. The blossoms only last a day but
there were two blooms on this day.
Another hibiscus October bloom Two colors |
We don't know what this flower is. It came with an order of other bulbs
without an explanation. It has a pretty blossom that comes in the latter
summer. Below, it framed by a bunch of morning glories.
This is beauty bush. Unfortunately we didn't get pictures of its small blossoms. Now it has small berries. |
This is a pink pampas grass with its plume which appeared in August. |
This is another pink Hibiscus (Rose of Sharon).
It is a new plant so it didn't bloom until August.
Another Hibiscus (Rose of Sharon) but a different color. White Rose of Sharon Hibiscus Pink Rose of Sharon Hibiscus Another pink Rose of Sharon 2019 pink Rose of Sharon |
Danielle added a couple of chrysanthemums to a reworked garden
Chrysanthemum in October. |
Left and above: Camellias can blossom any time from fall to spring depending on the variety. Ours started to bloom in early October. These pictures are two of the first four blooms. Notice the bee feeding in the bloom in the larger picture. Below: By Oct. 21, there were many blossoms including this blossom and bud. More camellias: Click, Click, Click, Click, or Click |
The hibiscus plant still blossoms but not every day. This blossom appeared Oct. 4.
Another hibiscus Two blooms Two colors |
The Mandevilla plants were still blossoming in early October.
Other mandevillas Click, Click, Click, Click. or Click. |
Jim's sister gave us this beautiful trailing vinca plant because she wouldn't be able to take care of it for several weeks. Danielle hopes to be able to winter it over so it can be enjoyed next year. There is another non-blooming plant in the center of the pot. |
Chrysanthemum in October
An earlier chrysanthemum. and one in November. |
These canna lily is really pretty. The same flower earlier in the summer. |
Above and right: A yellow lantana and a mixture of red and yellow in October. More lantana: Click, Click, Click, Click, Click or Click Below: Lantanas were still attracting butterflies. |
Left: These morning glories continue well into the fall.
Below: This was taken Oct. 21 a little before 2 PM. It was cooler and glory of the morning glories lasted into the afternoon. More morning glories earlier in the summer. and some more. |
The mandevilla was still blooming in late October.
Click, Click, Click, Click or Click |
Knockout roses blooming mid October. More roses: Click , Click, or Click |
Our daughter Janelle gave Danielle several pansies in October. They are a
fall / winter plant in South Carolina.
More pansies: Click Click, Click, Click, Click |
For people used a more northernly climate, there were still a lot of different flowers in November but we really didn't get much chance to enjoy them because we left for India two day after these pictures were taken.
There were not many of these knockout rose blossoms left, but this one was beautiful.
More knockout roses: Click , Click, or Click |
This lantana was still doing well.
More lantana: Click, Click, Click, Click, Click or Click |
The white camellia bush was still blossoming. More camellias: Click, Click, Click, Click, or Click |
We already admitted that we don't know what this plant is called. |
This geranium blossom was still blooming.
Another geranium: Click, Click |
The morning glories were still doing nicely.
Earlier morning glories: Click or Click |
This mandevilla was quite pretty.
Some other mandevilla pictures: Click, Click, Click, Click, or Click |
After some December frosts we still had some flowers blossoming including one that is making its first appearance in 2018 Flowers.
Our white camellia blossomed in October and its blossoms were all gone by December. But this red one in the front yard has started blossoming and still has a lot of buds. |
More camellias: Click, Click, Click, Click, or Click |
In the south pansies, are late fall and winter flowers. These did not let the frosts
disturb them.
More pansies: Click, Click, Click, More pansies: Click, Click, Click, Click, or Click |
The chrysanthemums were well past their peak but there were a couple blossoms
that still looked great - like this one.
Earlier chrysanthemums: Click, or Click |
The title of this page includes 2018 but the earliest pictures were taken on May 17. So to make sure that the page covers a complete year, we will include some 2019 pictures. There are not many in January but there are few including a new plant.
This red camellia started blossoming in December but there are still lots of
blooms and a few buds. (See below for a new camellia blossom.)
More camellias: Click, Click, Click, Click, or Click |
This really pale pink camellia just started blooming. Most of the blossoms are near the bottom but there are lots and lots of buds so this bush should continue blossoming for quite a while. |
Below: Earlier in the month we had some pansies but it had been raining for over a week including some very
hard rain just a couple of days earlier before this picture was taken.
This had really beat back on the pansy blossoms.
Right: The pansies have recovered quit a bit after hard rain. A new light rain got them wet again. Other pansies: Click, Click, Click, Click, or Click |
Lantana is normally a summer flower but these lantana were right up next to
the house and were still blossoming in January even if they are not as pretty as
those blossoming earlier.
More lantana: Click, Click, Click, Click, Click or Click |
The holly bush has been there all year but its red berries are now obvious. |
February was mixed up month in terms of temperatures. We might have a day with temps between 30 and 40 one day and temps ranging from 50 to almost 70 a couple of days later. We had a several spring flowers start to bloom.
This daffodil on the right appeared on February 1. It was in a sheltered area near the
front porch. It took a week or two for some other daffodils, like the
one below to bloom.
Another daffodil |
This picture of a pretty blossom was taken on February 3. The blossom is pretty but dandelions are rarely appreciated in people's yards in part because the leaves are much less beautiful and they choke out grass. |
The light pink camellia by the garage shown in January pictures is still blooming
and still has blooms so it should continue blooming. But new red camellia in front
of the garage began blooming heavily. It is the fourth camellia to bloom in the
last several months.
More camellias: Click, Click, Click, Click, or Click |
Pansies continued to bloom. More pansies: Click, Click, Click, Click, or Click |
Right: The hyacinth is another beautiful spring flower. But unlike the
dandelion, it is a welcome sight in our garden.
Below: This is a smaller variety called a grape hyacinth. |
Danielle transplanted this forsythia and was overjoyed to see that it survived the winter. It should grow and look more impressive next year. |
This is another dainty and pretty weed that grows in the grass. But unlike the dandelion, it does not cause much of a problem. The bloom is less than 1/2 inch across. |
Carolina Jessamine grows wild on our property but Danielle really enjoys this poisonous plant with its beautiful spring blossoms. The blooms appeared in the last half of the month. |
Danielle was given this valentine azalea on valentines day.
Another azalea: Click Click |
Our blueberry bush had these pretty blossoms late in February. They will need to be
protected from early March frosts.
Blueberry fruit: Click and Click |
During March, we had several new flowers in addition to those pictured earlier. The camellia blooms that were blossoming in February were hurt by a couple of early March freezing nights but the buds seemed to be OK. The blueberry bush was covered during those freezes and the blooms seemed to be OK. The pansies continued to bloom. Even more of the Carolina Jessamine vines were blossoming. There were a few daffodils still in bloom (2 on the 10th).
By the end of the month, many spring flowers and trees were in bloom. When driving local streets one could see many beautiful and colorful azaleas in many yards. In wooded areas one could see many trees with white blossoms most of which are probably dogwood.
The first tulip opened Sunday, March 10. It was in the little garden in front of the
dining room, the same garden the first daffodil opened in February.
Below: This tulip appeared about March 20. |
The first blossoms on the azalea also appeared on March 10.
These small blossoms are only about 3/4 inch across.
There were a lot more later in the month. Another azalea: Click Click Below: Left: This white azalea was just beginning to bloom near the end of the month. Right: This is beside the house. These blossoms are about 3 inches across. |
The dainty bloom on a tree also appeared about the same time. We thnk
that it is a black locust. It was the
first blossom but one can see more buds in the background. Actually
the tree is on our neighbor's property but most people would think it was
on our land. The blossoms below were pictured later in the month. |
The honeysuckle vine is near the blossoming tree in the previous picture.
Another honeysuckle |
This wild violet is growing in one of gardens.
Another violet: Click |
We haven't determined what this vine is with its multitude of small blossoms. It is also on our neighbor's property near our driveway. |
By the middle of the month, the camellia and daffodils had all disappeared but suddenly
two new blossoms appeared. On the right, pansies are still blooming. |
Other Camellias: Click, Click, Click, Click, or Click |
Other daffodils: Click |
More pansies: Click, Click, Click, Click, or Click |
This is Mexican heather. The tiny blossoms are about 5/16 inch across. More mexican heather: Click |
Now, two plants Danielle cannot take credit for. The first is a geranium
which was purchased at Lowes.
Another geranium: Click, or Click |
The second plant from Lowes is a pericallis. |
These are other unknown flowers in her gardens. |
April began with many plants in bloom. They included Azaleas in our yard and many others. Unfortunately they were beginning to loose their blossoms a few days into the month. Dogwood trees could be seen in many wooded areas. The violets were still blooming as were the pansies.
We are going to include some pictures taken in May so that we have a complete year. The first pictures in this webpage were taken on May 17, 1018, so some May, 2019 flowers are in order in order to get a complete 365 year.
There are lots of pictures because we are covering a month and a half and because a lot of flowers were blooming.
Azaleas were in nearly full bloom at the beginning of the month. More azaleas: Click , Click |
By the middle of the month most of the azaleas had pretty much dropped their
blooms but this smaller bush was going strong. |
This purple flower is a columbine. |
Danielle planted several of these lobelia last year but it seems that they don't do well in
our soil and only this plant survived. So she isn't going to plant more even though
it has a pretty blossom.
The violets were still blooming in early April.
Another violet: Click |
A couple of geraniums.
More geraniums: Click or Click |
Right: This is the first knockout rose of the year. Above: Another rose. Below left: A rose bud. Below right: This beautiful rose came up from roots. It is not a knockout rose. More roses: Click , Click, or Click |
Danielle has several of these plants but she doesn't know their name. That is too bad because they are beautiful. |
These plants continued to bloom.
Left: Mexican heather. Right and below: Pansies. The pansies were still doing great on May 16. More Mexican heather: Click More pansies: Click, Click, Click, Click, Click |
Last summer's hibiscus didn't winter over so Lowes supplied a
couple of new one's this year. Again the blooms are very large. Both
plants seem to have plenty of buds.
More hibiscus: Click Click, Click, or scroll down. |
On May 16, the last day of a year of blooms, the hibiscus had six large blooms!
Normally one expects poinsettias bought before Christmas only to last to mid to late January. But this one has transitioned from indoors, to our screen porch and now to outdoors. It still looks as good as it did at Christmas in mid April! |
This forget me not is growing in our front garden. |
Last summer's mandevilla wintered over but doesn't have blooms
yet. Lowes nursery furnished these plants.
Some other mandevilla pictures: Click, Click, Click, Click, or Click |
Two lilies, both like this one, blossomed near the end of April.
Several types of lilies blossomed in April and May. Scroll down for to see pictures of some of them. Some other lily pictures: Click, and Click |
These are also lilies, but are day lilies. The
lily on the left is a smaller lily. Its first bloom appeared May 4. The plant is only about 16
inches tall. The
one below is much larger and more typical of day lilies. It is about 2 feet high and the
bloom is about 5 inches across. It appeared just a day later on the 5th.
Left: Another day lily.
Right: These asiatic lilies bloomed in May. A couple of pansies can also be seen in the background. |
Right: Some other plants that blossomed early in early May are these yellow lantanas.
Below: These violet lantana started blossoming a few days later.
More lantana: Click, Click, Click, Click, Click or Click or scroll down. |
Danielle has several different colors of lantana which were blossoming in mid May. |
Right: Butterflies really love lantana. |
We are not sure what this plant with very small blossoms is. |
These are also some dainty blossoms but these grow on brush. Unfortunately, we don't know what they are. Perhaps they are a wild blueberry. |
Right: This year, the first cactus blossom showed up on May 10 only it was in the ditch.
Below: This cactus bloomed in the back yard just a day or two later.
Another cactus blooms: Click and scroll down. |
Three cacti bloomed on May 16, the very last day for this year of blossoms.
In 2019, the first magnolia blossoms appeared about May 11.
Another magnolia Click |
Left: This is the first Gladiolus in 2019.
Right: another early Gladiolus. Notice the white area on the bottom of the blossom. More glads: Click |
One of hibiscus (rose of sharon) began blooming May 12,
More rose of sharon blooms: Click , Click, Click and Click |
These tiny blossoms are Lipstick salvia. |
The blueberries are getting larger but they are still quite green.
More blueberries: Click , Click |
This white hydrangea blossomed about May 14. |
Each "__" can be clicked on to locate an instance of the flower.
Angel trumpet | __ | |
Azalea | __ __ __ | |
Bee balm | __ | |
Beauty bush | __ | |
Blueberry | __ __ | |
Black locust | __ | |
Bromeliad | __ | |
Cactus | __ __ | |
Camellia | __ __ __ __ __ __ | |
Carolina jessamine | __ | |
Canna lily | __ __ | |
Coumbine | __ | |
Chrysanthemum | __ __ __ | |
Daffodil | __ __ | |
Dandelion | __ | |
Forget me not | __ | |
Forsythia | __ | |
Gardenia | __ | |
Geranium | __ __ __ __ | |
Gladiolus | __ __ | |
Hibiscus | __ __ __ __ | |
Hibiscus (Rose of Sharon) | __ __ __ __ __ | |
Holly | __ | |
Honeysuckle | __ __ | |
Hyacinth | __ | |
Hydrangea | __ | |
Knockout rose | __ __ __ __ | |
Lantana | __ __ __ __ __ __ __ | |
Lily | __ __ __ | |
Lipstick salvia | __ | |
Lobelia | __ | |
Lupen | __ | |
Magnolia | __ __ | |
Mandevilla | __ __ __ __ __ __ | |
Mexican heather | __ __ | |
Morning Glory | __ __ __ | |
Myrtle | __ __ | |
Other (name unknown) | __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ | |
Pansy | __ __ __ __ __ __ | |
Pericallis | __ | |
Petunia | __ | |
Pampas grass | __ | |
Poinsettia | __ | |
Poke | __ | |
Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus) | __ __ __ __ | |
Stargazer lily | __ | |
Trailing vinca | __ | |
Tulip | __ | |
Verbena | __ | |
Violet | __ __ | |
Zenia | __ |
Last update: May 17, 2019