KISA 1 - Getting information and assigning files

It often desirable to have the Processing.js script interact with the audio player setup in the .html file. KISA 1 illustrates how to get information from the audio player and also specify the file to be played.

The following line

 16  Audio audio = document.getElementById("audiotag");

shows how we can connect the script with the audio player. We declare an Audio object named "audio" that connects using the Id in the audio tag of the .html file. After this we can use "audio" variable just as if the Audio class was defined in the sketch. (Of course, you can use whatever variable name you want instead of "audio".)

Some information about the status of the audio player is available just by asking for it. Assuming the audio player variable is named "audio", this includes the following:

audio.srcthe URL of the file loaded into the player.
audio.currentTimeThe current location in the file expressed in seconds
audio.durationThe length of the audio file in seconds.
audio.volumeThe volume of the audio player on a scale from 0.0 to 1.0.
 44    text("Source file: " + audio.src, width/2, 60);
 45    text("Status: " + audioStatus, width/2, 75);
 46    text("Current time: " + round(audio.currentTime)
 47         + " sec.   Length: " + round(audio.duration)+ " sec.", width/2, 90);        
 48    text("Volume (0 to 1): " + round(10 * audio.volume)/10, width/2, 105);

The numeric variables were rounded primarily to avoid the possibility of having long decimal expansions. The control in the browser may truncate the decimals instead of rounding them so the value shown in the sketch might be 1 unit larger than shown in the html control. Because the volume values are in the range 0 to 1, these values are rounded to the nearest tenth. As an alternative, you might want to multiply them by 10 and display values from 0 to 10.

The audio player can send information about its status if it is requested to do so. This is done with the addEventListener function (see lines 26 to 30).

 26    audio.addEventListener("loadstart", loadStart, false);
 27    audio.addEventListener("playing", playing, false);
 28    audio.addEventListener("pause", pause, false);
 29    audio.addEventListener("ended", ended, false);
 30    audio.addEventListener("error", error, false);

For example, line 26 asks audio to call the script's function "void function loadStart()", the second parameter, whenever the "loadstart" event, the first parameter, (that is, when the audio player starts to load the file) occurs. KISA uses the following events:

loadStartwhen starting to load a file
playingwhen starting to play a file
pausewhen playing is paused
endedwhen the file has finished playing
errorwhen an error occurs. (At least in Firefox, this only happens on selected errors)

Many other events can be requested.

In KISA (remember "Keep It Simple"), the event handler functions (lines 62 - 91) just put status in the audioStatus variable which is displayed in the draw function in line 45.

The "stop" status within the pause function needs to be explained.

 72  void pause() {
 73    // Pause event processing.
 74    // There is no stop event but a "stop" causes a pause.  This
 75    // method checks to see if the current time = 0. If so it assumes
 76    // stopped
 77    if (audio.currentTime == 0)
 78      audioStatus = "Stopped";
 79    else
 80      audioStatus = "Paused";
 81  }

Once the audio player starts playing a file, it wants to play it to completion unless the pause operation is used. What if the user want to actually stop the playback? Unfortunately there is no "stop" operation or event. Instead a stop can be achieved in two steps. One pauses the playback and then sets the currentTime to 0. (We will set up a function to do this in KISA 2) But note that carrying this out causes the "pause" event. Hence the pause() function checks the current time. If it is 0, it assumes the file has been stopped. Otherwise it assumes the playback has been paused.

Pausing and setting the current time to 0 stops the playback but not necessarily the download of the source file. The KISA 2 tutorial suggest a way to stop the download.

KISA 1 also illustrates how the sketch can specify the source file that will played. This is done in the setSource function.

 51  void setSource(String url) {
 52    // Called to set the source file.  Do not include the file extension
 53    // in the url.  It will be added here.
 54    if (audio.canPlayType && audio.canPlayType("audio/ogg")) {
 55      audio.setAttribute("src", url + ".ogg");
 56    } else {
 57      audio.setAttribute("src", url + ".mp3");
 58    }
 59    audioStatus = "File selected";
 60  }

Recall that some browsers cannot play all the files types. Again it is assumed that both .ogg and .mp3 versions of the music file are available. In line 54 we ask if the audio.canPlayType function is available, and if so, can it play the mime type "audio/ogg". If so, it uses the "src" attribute to specify the URL of the desired file after adding the ".ogg" extension. If not, it requests the player use the file with the ".mp3" extension.

We need to discuss the setAttribute method used in lines 55 and 57. You might discover that line 55 can be replaced

  55       audio.src = url + ".ogg"

in some browsers but this is not recommended because it does not work in all of them. and Safari 5.1 browsers.

The mime types for the files that work with the tested browsers are:

Mime typefile extension

Unfortunately, some servers may use different mime types that particular browsers do accept.

The .html file was simplified by removing the two <source ..> tags found between the <audio ..> and </audio> tags because the audio file is specified in sketch. It has been discovered that failure to remove these lines can cause problems with some browsers.

Information concerning additional audio events can be found at HTML5 Audio Demo. Just be aware that some other sources prefix event names with "on" but is not used in Javascript or Processing.js. For example, we used "ended" instead of "onended".

In the next part of the tutorial, the most basic ways Processing.js can control the player are described.

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[+/-] The KISA1.html file

  1  <!DOCTYPE html>  
  2  <html>
  3  <head>
  4    <title>KISA 1 (Keep It Simple Audio)</title>
  5    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
  6    <script type="text/javascript" src="processing.min.js"></script>
  7  </head>
  8  <body>
  9     <h1>Keep It Simple Audio 1</h1>
 10    <canvas id="KISA" data-processing-sources="KISA1.pde"></canvas>
 11     <br>
 12     <audio  id="audiotag"  preload="auto" controls="controls" autoplay = "autoplay">
 13       Your browser does not support HTML 5 audio.  You may want to update your
 14       browser to a current version. 
 15     </audio>  
 16  </body>
 17  </html>

[+/-] The KISA1.pde file

  1  // KISA 
  2  // Keep It Simple Audio version 1
  3  // James Brink
  4  // 3/7/12 4/12/12
  6  // The constants can be modified.
  7  int width = 500;  // Width of canvas
  8  int height = 290; // Height of canvas
  9  // It is assumed that both .ogg and .mp3 versions of the files are available
 10  // in the same folder.  The file names must be complete URLs except for the
 11  // ending .ogg or .mp3 which must be omitted. It will be added as needed for
 12  // the browser.  Use the prefix "file:///" or "http:// as appropriate.
 13  String file1 = "";
 15  // Global variables
 16  Audio audio = document.getElementById("audiotag");
 18  int time;
 19  String audioStatus;
 21  void setup() {
 22    // Setup the sketch
 23    size(width, height);
 24    smooth();
 25    frameRate(20);
 26    audio.addEventListener("loadstart", loadStart, false);
 27    audio.addEventListener("playing", playing, false);
 28    audio.addEventListener("pause", pause, false);
 29    audio.addEventListener("ended", ended, false);
 30    audio.addEventListener("error", error, false);
 32    audioStatus = "";
 34    setSource(file1);
 35  } // setup
 37  void draw() {
 38    // Draws the sketch on the canvas
 39    background(#FFFFAA);
 41    fill(#000000);
 42    textAlign(CENTER);
 43    text("KISA 1", width/2, 30);
 44    text("Source file: " + audio.src, width/2, 60);
 45    text("Status: " + audioStatus, width/2, 75);
 46    text("Current time: " + round(audio.currentTime)
 47         + " sec.   Length: " + round(audio.duration)+ " sec.", width/2, 90);        
 48    text("Volume (0 to 1): " + round(10 * audio.volume)/10, width/2, 105);
 49  }
 51  void setSource(String url) {
 52    // Called to set the source file.  Do not include the file extension
 53    // in the url.  It will be added here.
 54    if (audio.canPlayType && audio.canPlayType("audio/ogg")) {
 55      audio.setAttribute("src", url + ".ogg");
 56    } else {
 57      audio.setAttribute("src", url + ".mp3");
 58    }
 59    audioStatus = "File selected";
 60  }
 62  void loadStart() {
 63    // LoadStart event processing
 64    audioStatus = "Loading";
 65  }
 67  void playing() {
 68    // Playing event processing
 69    audioStatus = "Playing";
 70  }
 72  void pause() {
 73    // Pause event processing.
 74    // There is no stop event but a "stop" causes a pause.  This
 75    // method checks to see if the current time = 0. If so it assumes
 76    // stopped
 77    if (audio.currentTime == 0)
 78      audioStatus = "Stopped";
 79    else
 80      audioStatus = "Paused";
 81  }
 83  void ended() {
 84    // Ending event processing
 85    audioStatus = "Finished playing";
 86  }
 88  void error() {
 89    // error event processing
 90    audioStatus = "Error";
 91  }

Updated 11/6/14