Common values nnpx or nn%height
Common values nnpx or nn%color
Some possibilities: #hhh, #hhhhhh, aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, or yellow. (h is a hexadecimal digit: 0, 1, ..., 9, A, B, ..., F. Modern browsers recognize 140 color names.)background-color
(See comments for "color".)background-image
Common values: xx-small,x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large, smaller, larger, nnn%, nnpx, nnpt.font-style
Possible values: normal, italic.font-weight
Common values: normal, bold, bolder, lighter.font-family
Common values: (generic: serif, sans-serif, cursive, monospace, fantasy, Helvetica, Arial, "Times New Roman", ... .text-align
Possible values: left, right, center, justify.text-decoration
Possible values: none, underline, overline, line-through.text-indent
Indent first line of paragraph. Values such as nnpx can be positive or negative.float
Possible values: none, left, rightmargin
Common values: nnpx (the value sets the width of the external margin outside the border around the element and determines how close the element's border can be to other elements. All 4 sides can be set separately.)padding
Common values: nnpx (the value sets the width of the internal padding inside the border of the element and determines how close the contents of the box can be to the border.)border
Specify width, style, color. Separate with commons or handle each separately as shown below.border-width
Common values: nnpx, thin, medium, thick. (All 4 sides can be set separately.)border-style
Possible values: none, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset, initial, inherit. ("none" is the default so this attribute must be specified if you want a border.)border-color
See color for color possibilities.list-style-type
Used only for lists. For ordered lists, some common values: decimal, lower-roman, upper-roman, lower-alpha . For unordered list, some common values: none, disk, circle, square.list-style-image
url(file name)vertical-align:
Often used in tables. Common values: top, middle, bottom. (Addition values are available.)table-layout
Sets table layout. Common values: auto (the default), fixed. Fixed is faster because widths are set by the first row.overflow
Useful when the area's height and width are specified. Possible values: visible (even if outside of box), hidden, scroll (always add scroll bars) auto (add scroll bars if needed): Used in a div containing the table. Adds a scroll bar if table is too wide. One can specify overflow-x (for left/right edges) or overflow-y (for top and bottom edges).display
Display has a very long list of possible values. Some common values: none (pretend the element doesn't exist), block (show the element), inline-block, and inline. The none and block attributes are often used in web pages to hide and show information. To compare block, inline-block, and inline: Think of "block" as beginning and ending with <br> so that block elements are stacked. "inline-block" elements are the same except without the <br>'s but they still can have width, height, margins, and padding but are laid out something like words. "inline" elements are like words or spans in html.visibility
Possible values: hidden (element takes up space but can't be seen), visible, collapse (only used in tables, pretends the element isn't there).transform
This class allows one to translate, scale, rotate or skew an element but may only work on <div>. The element is transformed as specified but room is only reserved for the untransformed object. Example::link, :visited, :hover, :active
These are not attributes but :hover can be applied to most elements, the others are only for <a ... >. For example: p:hover {background-color: yellow;} would mean paragraphs would have a yellow background when the curser hovered over them. p.class1{color: red} means paragraphs having class "class1" would have a red font. You can also create a class having the hover property. For example:This p5.js sketch allows one to see how .style() functions can be used and experiment with CSS attributes and values.
There are basically 3 useful ways to use the .style() function:
The user can experiment with all three versions in either of the two divisions. The top set of inputs allow one to enter a two parameter style for its division, the second set of inputs allow the one parameter set version. When it is typed correctly, click the "Commit" button. After an instruction is committed, is executed and added to the list of instructions in the text area display window. If you make a mistake, just correct and commit the corrected version. Near the bottom of each division, one can supply an attribute and its value is displayed (with some exceptions). Remember that attributes and values must be strings. This program requires using double quotes (") for strings.
The above sketch allows one to experiment with the command and the css attributes. Div1 and Div2 are identical except: Div1 allows one to initialize the division by just clicking a button. The slider determines the speed at which the instructions are executed. The default is one every 4 seconds. The initialization section is hidden after use.
The only other difference is that initially the Div1 is a light yellow while Div2 is initially light aqua.
The divisions are created in the following order:
The division for the "Some a Few Common Attributes" which is floated to the right.
These comments.
p5.js source code: HowToStyle.pjs.
Comments, suggestions, or corrections: James Brink 3/1/2020