Neither of the examples and allow changing the sound volume. This example show how it can be done. The secret to use setADSR() just before triggerAttack() or play().
This example uses the code
envelope = new p5.Env();
envelope.setADSR(attackTime, decayTime, vol, releaseTime);
envelope.setRange(attackLevel, releaseLevel);
in setup() and
midi = interpretCh(key); // midi value associated with key pressed
envelope.setADSR(attackTime, decayTime, vol, releaseTime);
in keyTyped() where
vol = volSlider.value()/100;
is in draw( ) to keep vol up to date. Slider goes from 0 to 100 so vol goes from 0 to 1.
Changing the slider while the tone is playing does not change the volume of the sound. The current value of the slider is used every time a key is pressed to sound a note.
That leads to an interesting question. If I were to move the setADSR call to the draw function, would it allow me to change the volume whenever the slider was moved? Unfortunately, the answer appears to be "no". I haven't read the code for p5.Envelope. but experimentation indicates that a number of calculations are done and the envelope fixed when one calls triggerAttack() and the envelope can't be changed until the sound is triggered again.
p5.js source code: HowToSetADSR.pjs
James Brink, 2/7/2020