The page shows some examples of rotations and translations that are OK. Any additional rotations messed up the examples.
This is the code to create the first canvas in the draw() method. The other canvases are created in a similar manner.
can1 = createCanvasClass(100, 100, WEBGL); can1.parent("Example1"); can1.noStroke(); can1.normalMaterial();
Example 1 Fixed rotation about z-axis can1.background(30); can1.rotateZ(PI/5);, 40); can1.rotateZ(-PI/5); |
Example 2 In motion rotation about z-axis can2.background(60); can2.rotateZ(PI/100);, 40); |
Example 3 Fixed rotation about all three axes can3.background(90); can3.rotateZ(PI/100); can3.rotateX(PI/3); can3.rotateY(PI/4);, 40); can3.rotateY(-PI/4); can3.rotateX(-PI/3); can3.rotateZ(-PI/100); |
Example 4 In motion translations and fixed rotation about z-axis can4.background(120); let s = sin(frameCount/200); let c = cos(frameCount/150); can4.translate(50 * s, 50 * c); can4.rotateZ(PI/3);, 40); can4.rotate(-PI/3); can4.translate(-50 * s, -50 * c); |
James Brink, 7/30/2020