MultiEd's Icon

MultiEd's Tool Bar Functions

The Tool Bar for a Java Project

New File Open File Save File Print   Multi-step undue Multi-step redue   Cut Copy Paste   Find Find matching bracket ( ) { } < > [ ] begin end Replace Goto a user specified line number   Set bookmark number 0 Find bookmark number 0   Create an index for the file Spell check a file Project Activate/New/Create/Open   DOS prompt Java compile and run Java run Java API help documents Display a Color Mixer for Java Standard text for Java constructs Template: Standard text for file Java project compile and run Java project run Create Java docs for a project

Permanent Tool Buttons

New File New File
Open File Open File
Save File Save File
Print Print

Multi-step undue Multi-step undue
Multi-step redue Multi-step redue

Cut Cut
Copy Copy
Paste Paste

Find Find
Find matching bracket Find matching bracket
Matches the pairs ( ), { }, > <, [ ], begin end, <Tag> </Tag> 
Replace Replace
Goto a user specified line number Goto a user specified line number

Set bookmark number 0 Set bookmark number 0
Find bookmark number 0 Find bookmark number 0

Create an index for the file Create an index for the file
Spell check a file Spell check a file
Project Activate/New/Create/Open Project Activate/New/Create/Open

Examples of Context Sensitive
Programable Tool Buttons

Java Project


Java File



DOS prompt Java compile and run Java run Java API help documents Display a Color Mixer for Java JavaTools Template: Standard text for file Java project compile and run Java project run Create Java docs for a project
DOS prompt Java compile and run Java run Java API help documents Display a Color Mixer for Java Java tools Template: Standard text for file Pick a macro Create Java docs Bookmark #1 set
 DOS window Hypertext: Default Browser HTML Tools Template Pick a macro Bookmark #1: set Bookmark #1: find Web Color Mixer Add hyperlink with input (Available for custom use)
Dos prompt Dos prompt (activate)
Java compile and run Java compile and run*
Java run Java run*
Java API help documents Java API help documents
Color Mixer Show Java Color Mixer
Java tools Java tools**
emplate: Standard text for file Template: Standard text for file
Java project compile and run Java project compile and run*
Java project run Java project run*
Create Java docs for a project Create Java docs for a project
    Dos prompt Dos prompt (activate)
 Java compile and run Java compile and run*
Java run Java run*
Java API help documents Java API help documents
Color Mixer Show Java Color Mixer
Java tools Java tools**
Template: Standard text for file Template: Standard text for file
Pick a macro Pick a Macro***
 CreateJavaDoc Create Java Doc
Bookmark #1 find Bookmark #1 find
    Dos prompt Dos prompt (activate)
HTML Load HTML file into default browser
HTML Tools HTML tools**
Template Template: Standard text for file
Macro: find Pick a macro***
Set bookmark 1 Bookmark #1: set
Find bookmark 1 Bookmark #1: find
Web Color Mixer Web Color Mixer
Add hyperlink with input Add hyperlink with input
(Available for custom use) (Available for custom use)

* Automatically determines if the Java program is an application or applet. Applets are automatically run in the appletviewer after creating an .html file, if needed.

** Java "Tools" buttons bring up submenus that will type template code for statements, methods, listeners, adapters, I/O statements, and I/O dialogs. The "HTML tools" button has submenus that type various tags.

*** The "Pick a macro" button alows the user to pick a macro found in MultiEd's template directory.

You can use Tool Setup program (included in the download) to select from these and other supplied tools or you can create your own tools. Some of the other supplied tools include

  • JavaFX compile and run
  • JavaFX run
  • JavaFX script documentation
  • Load Processing file into the Processing IDE so it can be run
  • Load Processing.js file into a browser after creating an html file, if needed
  • Assemble 16 bit MASM program
  • Assemble 32 bit MASM program
  • Load a file into a non default browser (Internet Explorer, Netscape or Firefox)
  • Run the MultiEd Tool Setup program

In some cases it is necessary to customize the tool or a associated .bat file to reflect the location of files on your computer.

Revised: 9/1/2011