Flowers 2022

Dates pictures were taken
March 3 - 6 March 8 - 10 March 18 - 20 March 27-30
April 4 April 15 April 23 - May 3 May 14 - 22
May 25 - June 2 June 6 - 13 June 16 -24 June 30 - July 12
August 19 Aug 31 - Sept 2 Sept 8 - Sept 9 Sept 24 - Sept 29
Oct 12 Oct 28 - Nov 11 Dec 7 - 20 Dec 25
January 20 Feb 3 - Mar 5

Index of the flowers.

Most recent pictures

(It may take a few seconds for the pictures to download)

Flowers blooming in 2022 -23

This slide show was started to showcase dearly spring flowers but since Danielle has many pretty blossoms extending farther in the year, it has been expanded and is apt to be a whole year. Most of the pictures are of cultivated plants but there are some pictures natural plants as well. The website has been expanded into 2023 so that it will include a full year floral beauties.

In March and April, we had an abundance of colorful flowers. Additional flowers started blooming in May. We would like to share some pictures of them. Praise God for the beauty He put into our world for our enjoyment.

Sometimes Danielle and I need help in order to identify plants. We use Seek by iNaturalist and National Geographic on our phones. It can identify both plants and animals. It has been very helpful and is recommended to any who is interested.

The first set of pictures were taken March 3 - 6

hyacinth mix

Danielle planted an assortment of hyacinths last fall. Many were in pots. They provided a lot of color in late February and early March. The tulips haven't bloomed yet in early March.





hyacinth5 hyacinth6
Daffodils mostly bloomed in February. This is one of the last still in bloom. Daffodil

The flowers are really delicate looking.This is a camellia that grows in front of our garage. It started blooming in March.


/// ::::
camellia This camellia bush started blooming in February but has really gotten outstanding in early March.


Danielle bought these snapdragons for a planter near the front door snapdragon

This azalea plant is in our garden near the front door. Azaleas are a beautiful spring flower.

Azalea bush

Azalea blooms

This beautiful yellow flower - the famous and notorious dandelion - started showing up in late January. dandelion

Blueberry flowers

The blueberry flower buds showed up in late February before the leaf buds showed up. The bees really like these blossoms. One can safely work near the bush without any fear of being stung. Unfortunately a hard freeze destroyed most of the crop.

Bee on blueberry

Carolina jasmine grow natively here and has beautiful flowers in the spring. Danielle has trained one to follow chain link fence in our close back yard.


Jasmine bloom


We saw this pretty plant at Lowes and bought it. It is a senetti.

senetti plant


Broad leaf palm-lily

This is not a blosom but a very colorful and beautiful leaf. It is a broad leaf palm-lily.

Broad leaf palm-lily plant

This was the only bloom on a mandevilla in the front yard. It hangs down from the branch.

broad leaf palm-lily
pink azalea blooms

This beautiful pink azalea was planted by the former owners under the trees in our front yard. The small picture below was taken a few days later after many more blosssoms had appeared.

pink azalea bush

We have two "plants" in one picture. The larger one (stained glass) actually blooms all year long. But beside it periwinkle plant with one spring bloom. stained glass blooms

The following pictures were taken a few days later after more blossoms had appeared (March 8 - 10).

This azalea has much larger blooms which were blooming March 8.

larger azalea bloom


This is another pink azalea that started blooming by March 8.


This harlequin wasn't in bloom at the beginning of the month but started a few days later. We had been having some rain before the pictures were taken.

halequin plant

These pictures were taken a few days later after tulips had appeared (March 18 - 20). Most of the flowers shown above had gotten old and died. Some were killed by hard freeze.

tulip bud

red tulip

Three years ago, the first tulip appeared on March 10 (although it took a few more days before more blossomed). This year, despite the warm spring, we saw the first tulip on March 18 but several more were in blossom on the 20th. Left top: a bud on March 18. Left Bottom: a bloom on March 20. Below: the first tulip bloom.

orange tulip
yellow tulip

A couple more of the tulips in bloom on the 20th


This hyacinth was late blooming and didn't have the normal shape for a hyacinth, but the bloom is still very pretty.


This wild honeysuckle was in bloom by the 18th.

honeysuckle bloom
wild violets While we think of this wild violet as more of summer flower, this violet was already blooming.

Spring flowers continue to evolve as some fade and other bloom. These pictures were taken March 27 - 30.

More azaleas come into bloom as some of the older ones fade. We are fortunate to have several different varieties. The blooms on the right and buds below are on north side of our bedroom.

bedroom azalea buds

bedroom azaleas

These azaleas are in the front yard under the trees.

white azalea
aszlea front yard
tulip blooms

Unfortunately, tulip blooms don't last very long but we are fortunate to have these beauties in full bloom. The yellow one below was the last tulip to bloom.

more tulip blooms

Our crab apple tree is pretty young and the tree is not yet very full but it has some beautiful blooms.
crab apple tree
crab apple bloom
crab apple bloom 2
mandevilla Danielle bought this white mandevilla after the freeze killed or at least severely damaged several of her mandevillas.
Danielle bought 3 columbines to fill out some gardens right behind our house.
(The picture below was taken 4/4/2022.) columbine1
yellow snap dragon Danielle really liked the other snap dragons. So she brought several more including these yellow ones.
Our young peach tree had a few blooms that survived the freeze. Is is the last one. peach blossom

In early April, I saw bl,ossoms on more spring flowers and also some vegetables. These pictures were taken April 4.

More azaleas. While some early azaleas blooms have faded, some bushes were just beginning to blossom or have reached the most beautiful time. The bushes shown below are near our bedroom. The other two are in the front yard.

bedroom azaleas

white azaleas azaleas

This sword lily appears in Lydia's garden. Danielle painted the mushroom house in the background of the picture on the right. She didn't know what the flowers name was so used an app on her phone that identified it.


Because these do not winter over, Danielle bought this hibiscus.

hibiscus small

As spring continues, our vegetables are growing. Some have pretty flowers. We are just starting a new strawberry garden. These are some of the first blossoms.


Our first tomato plants were destroyed by the freeze in mid March. A second planting is coming along fine so far. Some are beginning to blossom.

Its April 15 and we have a few new flowers.

This a dipladenia which is a new type of flower. Danielle was happy to get one of them.

dipladenia s
yellow hibiscuis The previous hibiscus was red. But this beauty is yellow with a reddish center. yellow hibiscus s
another azalea

Another azalea. After most of the azaleas just outside bedroom had faded, we discovered another one with a little different color.

The following pictures were taken April 23 to May3 and show some new flowers.

The blooms are amaryllis.

amaryllis plant

pink rain lily This pink rain lily has just one blossom.

This knock out rose was the first to bloom this year. It now has several blooms.

rose bush

4 additional pictures follow this picture.

rose bud

pink rose

Some more roses.

Four different rose bushes are blooming in early May. Below: This is simpler rose bloom. Right: This rose is in the garden by the front door. simple rose


pepper blossom
Some vegetables have nice blossoms. Left: This is the first pepper blossom. It was a little hard to take the picture because the blossom was hanging down. Right: This blossom is on a bean plant.

bean bloosem

This reddish pink bloom is a vinca.


spiderwort pond

This begins a section of pictures of plants Danielle planted near her artificial "pond".

Left: This a spiderwort.

Another flower near her pond is this daisy.

lantana lantana2

The plants around the "pond" include several lantana.

Among the plants surrounding the "pond" is this pansy. daisy
day lily This daylily is located by deck for Danielle's glass studio. This is the first bloom.
This beautiful white flower is a another dipladenion. It is in the garden by the front door. dipladenion plant dipladenion
pink flower These pinkish rose blossom is another snap dragon is in the garden by the front door.

Some of these dainty blooms lipstick sage have white and red parts. Others are all red but white part will appear eventually. They are also in a garden outside our front door.

all red
red and white
armerica1 Danielle used an plant identification app on her phone to discover that the name of these little balls which measure about one inch is diameter is armerica.

The following flowers were photographed between May 14 and 22.

Mid May we had several cacti in bloom. The one on the right was the largest bloom on our prickly pear cacti on the day that the photo was taken but was the only bloom on that plant. The plant below had couple of blooms. There have been more blooms since then.

cactus plant
cactus bloom
shamrock shamrock leaf
Danielle thought she had one shamrock plant in a front garden. A few days later we discovered a second but it didn't have bloom yet. The photo above shows why it is called "shamrock".
shamrock plant
Our wild honeysuckle bloomed last March. But our trumpet honeysuckle didn't start blooming until mid May. But the advantage is its expected to bloom all summer. It grows along the fence and the gateway between the 1st and 2nd backyards

honeysuckle blooms
spider lily

Danielle has several lilies but the spider lily is the most unusual. It has several names: red spider lily, red magic lily, or equinox flower. The long projecting stamens are outside the bloom.

Danielle has several daylilies. Here are two more. The one below was photographed after being sprinkled.

orange daylily
oriental lily

Danielle has several kinds of lilies. This one is a oriental lily.

This is another kind of lily. It is an Asiatic lily. asac lily
white four o'clock orange four o'clock

Danielle has two colors of four o'clocks in the gardens just behind the house.

orange four o'clock plant

This is the first gladiolus too bloom. Of course it takes several days for the glad bloom to develop completely. These pictures were taken just one day apart.

glad day earlier


This bloom is a zucchini. It is quite large (2-1/2 to 3 inches). The blossom is not only pretty but edible. However, it is a little hard to photograph because it is only open little while in the morning.

These pictures were taken May 25 through June 2

These are some gladiolus blossoms in our front garden.


Three flowers One day we noticed 3 different lilies in one clump. Left to right they are Asiatic lily, oriental lily, and another Asiatic lily.
This is a asiactic lily like that in the previous picture. ????
rose of Sharon

This is a rose of Sharon on the left. What was unusual about this blossom was that it was the only one on this tree which normally blossoms a couple weeks after the blooms shown in the next slide. The picture below was taken a couple of weeks later after the tree was in full bloom.

rose of Sharon blooms

We have a couple of rose of Sharon trees just outside our home in the back yard. The pink tree blossoms before the lavender one.

pink rose of Sharon
morning glory These are the first two morning glories blossoms I have seen this year. Danielle probably has seen some more.
purple morning glory

Humming birds and moths as well as bees love this plant. Danielle was told that it was a bee balm but my phone app Seek identified it as an anise hyssop. It is a kind of mint.

anise hyssop1

anise hyssop11

Danielle had to use her phone app to identify this plant. It is a larkspur, a close relative of delphiniums.

This plant has an unusual feature to its blooms. It is a cactus dahlia so named because of the "splines" on the ends of the petals.


spring spider lily

This spring spider lily is another of Danielle's many lilies, It came in a box of a couple of unknown bulbs that she bought for $1.99 at the store. She had to use her phone app to identify it after it bloomed.

This is a Madagascar periwinkle also known as a vinca. This blossom appeared just a few minutes after Danielle sprinkled the plant and the picture was taken in the next hour.


This is the first bloom of a zinnia this year.

These gardenia blossoms are on a large bush in our back yard. We believe that a pair of cardinals make their home in the bush.

gardenia bush

This is our first cantaloupe bloom. We were both surprised about how small it is - only about 5/8 inch in diameter.

Some more pictures were taken June 6 through June 13

These wild dawn flower blossoms were first noticed at about 11 A.M. while cutting the grass near the back of our yard. At about 1 P.M,. I went out to take their picture and the blossoms were gone. So I checked again the next day and they were back and I got this picture. My phone app said they were "dawn flowers", which seems to be a very appropriate name. The blossoms are about an inch in diameter. These flowers were in a small patch and looked somewhat like a ground cover.

Google implies that the only dawn flowers are blue morning glories. Clearly there are more kinds. I was glad to have found them. Danielle says she saw them last year.

Berkeley's polypore

My phone app identified this as Berkeley's Polypore, a fungi so is not really a blossom although it is sometimes called a stump blossom. It lays flat on the ground in the front yard and roughly a foot long in size. Google says it is edible when young.

These are balloon flowers. They can also be blue/violet or reddish/pink.


This is a amaranth which is sometimes called love lies bleeding.

Some more gladiolus are blossoming. The one on the right is in our tomato garden and appears in another picture of the tomato garden. The two below are in the bin with our raspberries that were planted just this year and are still quite small leaving lots of room for the glads.

 red glad      pink glad

white larkspur

This larkspur is a very pale pink.

Earlier there was a picture of a tomato blossom. We are getting a bumper crop from these plants.

In the middle of the tomatoes there is a gladiolus that Danielle planted in the tomato patch while the tomatoes plants were very small. There are some onions in the foreground.


This is a anthyrium that I gave Danielle for Valentine's last year. It is an indoor plant. It had about three red blossoms at the time, but until this June, but it never had another really vibrant red one like this one.

In an earlier picture, it was pointed out that bees love anise hyssop. That was from past years experience because at that time we had not seen any bees since the hard freeze last April. We have finally seen some bees on these flowers.

Bees1 Bees2

Bee on AniseHyssop

The following pictures were taken June 16 through June 24

red rose

This is another red rose in our back yard.

This is river lily.

river lily
blue balloon flower

These are blue balloon flowers. I think that they are prettier than the white ones shown earlier or the ones in the background of the picture below.

blue balloon flowers

Danielle planted several different colors of celosia near her fake pond. These blooms are roughly 3 to 4 inches high.


celosia 2     celosia
bee in anise hyssop Flowers attract various kinds of pollinators. Anise hyssop attracts lots of bees. Earlier in the summer, we didn't see many bees but lately we have seen a lot. Some are smaller. We are thinking that the hard freeze killed most of the bees that had been pollinating the blueberry bush and the smaller bees were just young ones. In the left hand picture a different kind of bee (or possibly a hornet) that can be seen if you look closely at the bottom of the blossom. The moth is on lantanas is much more obvious. Humming birds really like our honeysuckle but unfortunately they move around very quickly and I have been unable to get a picture of them.


Our phone app identifies these as hairy oyster mushrooms. As can be seen in the left hand picture they are growing out of stump. The right hand picture show some apparently young mushrooms. They are edible but normally tough so it might be best to grind them up.

hairy oyster mushroom 1

hairy oyster mushroom 1 hairy oyster mushroom 3

This crocosmia is growing in the garden right out of front door.


crocosmia bloom
bee balm    

This bee balm is growing in garden right in front of the house.

bee balm flowers

These pictures were taken June 30 to July 12

humming bird We regularly see humming birds enjoying the honeysuckle and other of Danielle's plants but taking pictures of them is difficult. Unlike bees which stay in a small area several minutes harassing nector, humming birds typically stay in the same area for only a few seconds. This means that I normally don't have time to turn my camera on and get it focused before they are gone. However, one occasion I was able to get these pictures. For some reason, the bird actually perched in stead of eating while in flight.

small humming bird
Our hydrangea bush suffered major freeze damage this spring. This is the only blossom that we have this summer. hydrangea
mandevilla As mentioned in a picture of a white mandevilla most of Danielle's mandevillas were killed by a severe freeze. But this pink mandevilla came up from roots and we are getting a couple of blossoms mid July.
A bug enjoys resting on a zinnia. zinniz
marigold A bee, wasp, or hornet enjoys the necture of a yellow and red marigold.
Danielle cut these lilies because they were knocked over in the rain. Unfortunately, I didn't a picture taken until the bloom started to die. lily

The following pictures were taken July 19. There are still plenty of flowers that have been shown above. These are some new ones not pictured previously.

This crepe myrtle tree is in our front yard. The light colored bloom shown below is on a new branch near the ground.

light crepe myrtle
crype myrtle

These pictures were taken September 9 to September 9. Summer is over and some of the flowers that blossomed during the summer are fading. But some others are still blooming and at least one type of blossom is just beginning.

lily One of the joys having so many flowers in our yard is seeing many pollinators including these butterflies. The one of the left is a gulf fritillary on a marigold plant. It is pretty common in the south. The butterfly below is a swallowtail that is on a Rose of Sharon bush.

black butterfly
The blossom on this moon flower measures about 5-1/2 inches in diameter. It gets its name because the bloom is normally only seen at night. But this bloom existed at about 7:30 P.M on a rainy day. It was slightly damaged by the rain. Danielle planted the seeds for this plant after seeing them at a friend's home the previous August. moon flower

These pictures were taken August 31 - September 2

mushroom mushroom2
In late August, we had a lot of mushrooms pop up.

Our magnolia tree has started blooming. The bloom is shown a couple of days after the blossom shown below.

magnolia bloom

These pictures were taken September 8 and 9. Many of the summer flowers are less prominent than they were earlier. The magnolia blossoms shown above are one of the few new flowers. But there still some flowers of interest.

The mandevilla plant that survived the frost has several pretty blossoms. A single blossom was shown above.

magnolia bloom

This is a moon flower that is not quite a full bloom in the early evening. As explained above moon flowers open in the evening and die the next morning. With this bloom, we learned that they attract blossome small "flies." Two appear on a petal on the bottom right. Originally there were a lot more of them. I tried to shoo them away but they came right back. I finally got it down to only two of them in this picture.

Moon flower bloom

The moon flowers are coming on strong in the last half of September. The picture below shows the long stem which is part of the blossom on the left.

moon flower bloossoms and buds

These pictures were taken September 24 and 29. Some of the summer flowers continue to fad but there are still some doing well and another new blossom appeared.


Here are some flowers that are doing well in late September. They include hibiscus above, mandevilla below, and camellia right. This camellea is just beginning to bloom. We have 3 different kinds of camellias that bloom at different times of year.

camellia bloom

The pictures were taken October 12 and show some summer flowers doing well in the fall.

rose While many summer flowers a fading, some others are growing well. The previous section showed some of them. On the left is a rose. The other pictures are 3 kinds of marigolds that are just doing great in our tomato garden. They were planted early in the summer but have gone gang busters in somewhat cooler weather. (If you look closely, you can tell the two yellow marigolds below are not quite the same. The left one is from the big bunch shown in the left most picture.) Marigold 1
Marigold 2
Marigold3           Marigold5

Some blossoms showing color at the end of October and the first half of November.

Danielle planted the confederate rose during the summer and it finally blossomed in late October. It should start blossoming earlier next year and continue into the fall. Confederate roses are not really roses. They are actually related to rose of Sharon trees.

confiderate rose
confederate rose blossom
There are several types of blossoms remaining at the end of October. Below: I was able get a shot of a mostly yellow butterfly that I had been unable to photograph before. It was visiting on of the few rose of Sharon blooms that are left. It may be a one variously called little yellow or little sulfur. We have had many of them during the summer. A different kind of bee was enjoying a marigold. We are still having a morning glories which often like the one shown that can last until the early afternoon now that it cooler. Some of the other blooms include a mandevilla and zinnia.
butterfly and rose of Sharon
On the right, row by row:
Morning glory, zinnia (fully open)
cosmos, marigold
marigold (with a bee)
zinnia (not fully open), zinnia

Not pictured but also in bloom: Lipstick sage
morning glory marigold with bee
???  . marigold
marigold  . ????
This camellia is blossoming for the second time this year. It was featured last February Camellia in February

camellia tree
camellia bloom
mexican heather This Mexican heather is doing well on Nov. 11.

Some flowers that appeared in December. The pictures were taken December 7 - 20.

This Christmas cactus lives on our screen porch all year long and it had an abundance of blooms this year. Christmas cactus bloom Christmas Cactus
violet mushroom This mushroom with a violet tint appeared in our wooded back yard in December. The little bug seems to enjoy it.
Most of the lantanas are gone but this is still going great on Dec. 19. Unfortunately the plant may not last long because freezing weather is expected just before Christmas. A white Christmas is not expected, just cold.


red azalea This azalea in our front garden is beautiful even in December. As you can tell there was a light rain before the picture was taken on December 20.

This new bloom arrived just in time for the celebration of the Lord's birthday (December 25)

This past week Danielle discovered a Christmas cactus at a store and decided to buy one. The original blossoms have faded but this new one arrived just in time for Christmas. Christmas Cactus 2

It is a new year but flowers continue. We will continue for a couple of months to include a full year of flowers. This will include some spring flowers. These pictures were taken on January 20.

amaryllis A few weeks ago I offered to buy Danielle a plant and she choose a amaryllis bulb which blossomed a few day ago. It is inside now but it will be planted outside later this spring.
We were surprised to see these daffodils on January 20. It is in the garden just outside the front door. Actually they are not the first spring flower in our yard as I saw dandelion a few days ago but it doesn't deserve a photo.

2 daffodils

In order to include a full year of flowers, we will continue in February. Many of these flowers will duplicate flowers previously pictured in March 2022.

camellia We have camellias blossoming at different times of the year. Last year this one blossomed in late February.. But this year it started blossoming in early February.

In addition to daffodils, hyacinths are another flower that says it is spring. These are not as pretty as some pictured last March, perhaps because it is a little earlier in the year.

pink hyacinth
blue hyacinth
jasmine I got Danielle this calla lily plant recently. She says that she would eventually plant it outside with our other calla lilies. She was surprised that I didn't already have a picture of them as they have been there for several years.

calla lily
Another camellia, this one is red, started blooming about February 12. It is in front of our garage. Last year it started blooming in late February. .

jasmine blooms Another sure sign of spring is when the Carolina jasmine start to bloom. This year they started blooming on February 21 during a unusual hot spell. In fact, it was above 70 that day. The blooms started about a week earlier than last year.

We should have a bumper crop of blueberries assuming that they don't freeze like they did last year .

blueberry blomes 2
We have a number of azaleas. This is the first one to bloom in 2023.

azalea 2
chinese2 This flowering plant is a Chinese fringe flower or loropetalum. It is a evergreen perennial. Interestingly while the plant is over a year old, I didn't have any pictures of it last spring. Perhaps it didn't bloom in its first year or maybe the killer frost destroyed the blooms. Blooming started in late February although the picture taken April 2.

Our wild honeysuckle is blooming earlier than the domestic honeysuckle once again but it doesn't continue blooming like the domestic one. Blooms started about March 2.

honysuckle 2

This completes a full year of Danielle's flowers although many of February's flowers duplicate flowers pictured in March of 2022. But there are some new ones. The duplication is in part because spring flowers started a week or two earlier in 2023 and in part because I didn't seriously start taking pictures until the beginning of March last year.

Hopefully, we will not experience a killer frost like did last year.

I hope you enjoyed the floral year.


Each "__" can be clicked on to locate an instance of the flower.

anise hyssop__ __ __
amaryllis__ __
Asiatic lily__ __ __
azalea__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
balloon flower__ __
bee balm__
Berkeley's polypore__
broad leaf palm-lily__
blueberry__ __
butterfly__ __
broad leaf palm-lily__
camellia__ __ __ __ __ __
cactus dahlia__
calla lily__
Carolina jasmine__ __
Chinese fringe flower__
Christmas cactus__ __
Confederate rose__
crab apple__
crepe myrtle__
daffodil__ __
dawn flower__
daylily__ __
dipladenia__ __
four o'clock__
gladiolus__ __ __ __
hairy oyster mushroom__
hibiscus__ __ __
honeysuckle__ __ __ __
hyacinth__  __ __
lantana__  __ ;__
larkspur__   __
love lies bleeding__
mandevilla__ __ __ __ __ __
marigold__ __ __ __
Mexican heather__
morning glory__ __
moon flower__ __
mushroom__ __ __
oriental lily__ __
periwinkle__ __
pink rain lily__
river lily__
rose__ __ __
snap dragon__ __ __
stained glass__
spider lily__
spring spider lily__
stump blossom__
sword lily__
tomato__ __
tulip__ __
vinca__ __
zinnia__ __ __

Last update February 11, 2023

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