This program illustrates using four different ways of supplying tracks. The standard
vtt file using stanard HTML5, creating it with program code, reading the track from the HTML file, and
reading the WebVTT file using alternate Javascript techniques.-
Track Sources (Except for Internet Explorer 11
or when the "Read VTT files" button is active.)
Developer Stories
vtt file*
vtt file*
HTML file*
vtt file*
vtt file*
*Internet Explorer 11 reads the .vtt file using XMLHttpRequest().
Internet Explorer 11 requires the correct mime type for vtt files. Unfortunately
my server (as of 12/29/2014) does not supply the correct file type for vtt files. Hence
Internet Explorer uses the HTML file as the source for all tracks except for the
Developer Stories German track.
The jwplayersFeatures video and tracks are designed to test implementations of
several track properties. The video is complements of the
Blender Open Movie Project. The track is a modified and expanded version of track created by The developerStories-en video
and English track were developed by Google and have been used in more than web page.
subtitles: Transcription or translation of the dialogue, suitable for when the sound
is available but not understood
captions: Transcription or translation of the dialogue, sound effects, relevant musical
cues, and other relevant audio information, suitable for when the soundtrack is unavailable
descriptions: Textual descriptions of the video component of the media resource,
intended for audio synthesis when the visual component is unavailable
chapters: Chapter titles, intended to be used for navigating the media resource.
WebVTT files must use UTF8 character coding. This may cause some problems in languages
that include nonASCII characters. The table include the non-ASCII UTF8 characters.
The characters shown use two characters. The first is either C2h or C3h.
Characters 80h-9Fh are control characters. Character A0h is a no-break space and ADh is a
soft hyphen.
101~0.000~1.990~Kitty - watch out - that is a doberman~
102~2.000~3.999~He has a big mouth and sharp teeth~
103~4.000~5.999~`lvc.myclass`lgBe careful`lv/c`lg~
104~6.000~7.999~Jane says "`lv Jane`gThis is dangerous`l/v`g"~
105~8.000~9.999~Tarzan says "`lv Tarzan`gBetter run away`l/v`g"~
106~10.000~19.999~Are you sure that this is safe?~
107~20.000~24.999~The kitten doesn't seem afraid of the dog~
108~25.000~26.599~Maybe the kitten can just sneak up on the dog~
109~26.600~39.999~Well sneaking up didn't work~
110~40.000~44.999~Things seem to be going fine for the playmates~
111~45.000~49.999~Mr. Doberman could eat kitty alive if he wanted to~
112~50.000~70.000~But the fearless kitty wants to play some more