* Class: ExprTree.
Description: ExprTree is simply a BinaryNode<String>. It is used only
* to simplify the concept of an expresion tree as used in ExprEvaluator.
* In particular, ExprTree is (normally) the root of the expression tree.
* It is designed to hide the "complexities" of a BinaryNode<String>. Actually
* the most complex part to ordinary user will be the fact that a Expression
* tree is simply a BinaryNode<String>.
Date: 3/24/2008
* @author James Brink
public class ExprTree {
// Class fields
BinaryNode tree;
* Constructor for ExprTree
public ExprTree(BinaryNode aTree) {
tree = aTree;
} // constructor ExprTree
public BinaryNode getTree() {
return tree;
} // end getTree
} // class ExprTree