The 6 small canvases and the large canvas are CanvasClass canvases.The small examples were adopted from pages like https://p5js.org/reference/#/p5/box and the large canvas was adapted from https://p5js.org/examples/3d-geometries.html. The figures in the small canvases are box, cone, plane, cylinder, sphere, and torus. The figures in the large canvas are clockwise plane, box, cylinder, sphere, torus, and cone.

Click the "next" button to redraw the page. draw() is called once each time the button is clicked. You will obseve that plane, box, cylinder, cone, torus, sphere, and normalMaterial all work fine until rotateZ, rotateX and rotateY are called when you click the "next" button.

The p5js code for this page webgl.pjs.

James Brink, 6/23/2020